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Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

Were you injured in an accident in Los Angeles? If so, you deserve to have an experienced personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles to fight for you.

A reckless driver could ram your car on the freeway. A spilled coffee at an L.A. market could slide your foot out from under you and cause you to break a bone in the fall.

Fortunately, California personal injury law benefits accident victims and forces those responsible to pay for your recovery. However, the insurance company will try to pay as little as possible. That is why you need an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer to fight for your case.

Maison Law offers a free consultation to victims in Los Angeles injury accidents. Schedule yours today to find out how much your case might be worth.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Claim Process


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Describe Your Accident Details

We will then discuss your legal options and decide whether to move your case forward.


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We work on contingency. No attorney fees unless you win your case.


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We will fight for you to earn the highest possible payout for your damages.

Free Personal Injury Accident Consultation

After a suffering a serious injury, you deserve to know about all of the benefits available to you under California law. Your hospital bills and lost time at work can quickly empty your bank account, but those damages should be the responsibility of the at-fault party in your accident.

Maison Law was founded to help protect injury victims left vulnerable due to the negligence of others. Reach out to us for a confidential case evaluation. We will listen to you and help you determine your next step.

The consultation is completely free and you are under no obligation to work with us. Even if you don’t intend to hire a lawyer, it’s still important to be aware of every option available to you and your family.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in an accident in Los Angeles, you might have more than your physical recovery to worry about.

You might spend days in a hospital and have months of physical therapy in store, all while collecting massive medical bills. You could also be out of work and miss multiple paychecks, leaving your family unable to meet car and mortgage payments.

When you are hurt, you should never face bankruptcy while simply trying to find the best medical care to help you recover from someone else’s mistake. Those responsible will have insurance policies and those insurance companies should be on the hook for every expense and hardship you face.

Car accidents are an ever-present threat in Los Angeles County, but there are other dangers that can target unsuspecting families. These are just a few of the other types of personal injury cases we cover:


Car Accidents

After an auto accident in Los Angeles, it is important to understand your legal rights. Car insurance companies want to pay you as little as possible for your injuries.


Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents in Los Angeles often have disastrous outcomes. Insurance companies often show bias towards injured motorcycle victims.


Bicycle Accidents

Bike, scooter, and skateboard accidents happen on a daily basis in Los Angeles. Distracted and careless drivers are responsible for paying for the victims recovery.

Trip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents in Los Angeles often happen at stores, apartments, and gas stations. When you fall and are injured, the property owner might be responsible for paying for your recovery.


Pedestrian Accidents

Walking the streets of Los Angeles can be just as dangerous as driving.  Pedestrian accidents can leave you with devastating injuries that force you off your feet for months.

Truck Accidents

Big-rig, semi-truck, and commercial transport accidents in Los Angeles can leave injured victims scrambling for financial support as they try to figure out who is responsible for paying the bills.

Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic injuries in Los Angeles leave victims injured for weeks, months, and years on end. The recovery time for these accidents is often much longer and more expensive than other accidents.

Dog Bites

When a dog bite happens in Los Angeles, dog owners are responsible for paying for a victim’s injuries – even if their pet has never shown aggressive behavior in the past.


Wrongful Death

In the worst cases, negligent acts can cause a loss of life. Los Angeles families are left to cope with the loss of a loved one while also facing funeral expenses and medical bills resulting from the accident.

What Our Clients Say

What to Do After a Personal Injury Accident

An accident that’s just occurred might find you a bit dazed at the scene of a car crash. You may be in a grocery store and on the ground after a slip-and-fall. You could be in the workplace after unsafe working conditions have finally caused an injury.

When you find yourself in this situation, it’s important, if you are physically able, to collect some valuable evidence that may only be found on the scene.

  • Contact 911 if you are injured and have paramedics check out every pain you have. Go to the hospital if necessary. If you must leave the scene, ask someone with you or a helpful witness to collect evidence for you.
  • Always contact the local police or the highway patrol immediately after a car accident no matter how minor you feel your accident is. Officers will create an accident report that will serve as valuable evidence for you later.
  • Don’t say you’re okay. Making statements like “I’m alright” or “It’s my fault” can weaken your case later. In the shock of what’s happened, you likely won’t know how badly you are hurt or have a good idea of who is to blame for your accident.
  • Take Photos. Get pictures of everything involved in your accident including the damage to cars. If you were in a slip-and-fall incident, take photos of the obstacle that left you on the ground.
  • Talk to witnesses. Find out what eyewitnesses saw and get their contact information. They may not have seen the accident, but they may attest to the unsafe conditions or the obstacle that caused your injury.
  • In the case of an accident on someone else’s property, allow a manager or an employer to write up an incident report for the company. This report can help prove that you weren’t at fault for what happened.
  • Contact a Los Angeles personal injury attorney. The insurance company for the individual or business to blame for your injury will be calling you trying to get a recorded statement about what happened from you. Decline and refer them to your personal injury lawyer. Insurance companies hope that you’ll say something they can use to reject your claim later. Allow a qualified personal injury attorney to protect you from this and other insurance tactics while securing the most in compensation possible for your recovery.


Where to find the closest burn centers in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Personal Injury FAQs

California sets its statute of limitations on injury claims at two years. The statute means that if you wait longer than 24 months to file, your case has exceeded the limitations and will likely be thrown out.

It’s important to remember that if you feel a city department or a governmental agency is responsible for your accident, the deadline can be shorter. Talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can to make sure you don’t miss out on earning what’s fair.

Urgency can also help when you are injured and are asking a major corporation like Target or Uber for support. These companies have giant home offices and their response to your claim can easily get delayed. Working with your personal injury attorney to determine when you’re ready to file can make a big difference when you’ve got a lot of bills that need to be paid.

Personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles generally work on contingency. This means that they receive nothing unless they win your case.

After a victory, an attorney usually receives around a third of an insurance settlement. They charge this fee because of the risk they take when covering every cost for your case without a guarantee they’ll be reimbursed for their work.

No. After you sign a settlement, you cannot recover more damages from the defendant. These Los Angeles settlements are binding, so be sure you are happy with your compensation before making a formal agreement.

Every accident involves different factors that may shorten or lengthen the time a victim is made to wait for important financial support. In some cases, insurance companies can purposely stall their response to injured claimants while they look for ways to reject a claim.

For these reasons and more, it’s hard to estimate the length of time a personal injury case may take to resolve. Victims can be left without financial help for months or even a year or more before they receive assistance.

These are a few elements in an insurance claim that can extend the claims process beyond a few months:

  • A dispute over who was to blame.
  • Multiple at-fault parties.
  • Serious injuries and/or permanent disabilities are involved. The larger the medical bills are and the longer recovery takes, the longer it may take to reach an agreement on suitable compensation.
  • A lawsuit is necessary. If an insurance company won’t agree to pay what’s fair, taking them to court could be the only option.

The majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. However, when a lawsuit is necessary to earn victims everything they deserve, getting a court date may take up to a year or more.

Beyond making sure your case doesn’t miss important deadlines, a personal injury attorney works to maximize the compensation you receive and makes sure you don’t leave any financial support on the table.

This is especially important when a serious injury is involved in your case. A major injury usually means medical bills will be sky high and that the victim will miss multiple paychecks at work.

This ramps up the value of a case, and that triggers insurance companies to fight even harder to avoid paying you what’s fair. Insurance adjusters can question your account of what happened, even when the evidence is clear.

What’s more, in cases where the negligent party is a company or other business, corporate lawyers will be brought in to try to devalue your claim and discredit you personally. They are paid to either reduce the compensation your receive or bully you into giving up your case completely.

When facing experienced insurance adjusters or a team of corporate lawyers, make sure you have strong legal protection of your own. When you aren’t sure if your case requires the aid of an attorney, you risk nothing by taking advantage of a free consultation. If the attorney can’t improve your award by that much, they’ll let you know and help you determine your next move.

Yes. California allows those involved in accidents to share the liability. You may have been looking at your phone when you slipped on a puddle in a store, but as long as the owners of the store bear some responsibility, you can earn compensation equal to their percentage of the blame.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

Los Angeles is a community that prides itself on hard work and family life. Those qualities must sometimes be protected when property owners, careless drivers, or negligent employers put others at risk and end up getting them hurt.

If you or a loved one are seriously injured due to the carelessness of someone else, contactLos Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to demand what’s fair from national corporations, local employers, and anyone else who may be liable for your suffering.

Discuss your case with attorney Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law in Los Angeles, for a free consultation that comes with no obligation. Mr. Gasparian worked for major corporations and dealt with some of the biggest insurers in the world. He now uses his knowledge to make sure everyday people aren’t taken advantage of by corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice, and the personalized attention to detail their case deserves.