Maison Law represents Bakersfield residents who are victims of personal injury accidents. We safeguard the victims of dog bites, car collisions, slip-and-falls, and other accidents to make sure they earn the support they need in recovery. If you are hurt due to someone’s negligence, contact a skilled, local personal injury lawyer and schedule a free consultation. It’s a no-risk way to determine what your injury is worth and how to hold a negligent driver or business owner responsible.
Do I Need a Lawyer After a Personal Injury Accident?
If you suffer a serious injury due to an individual’s or a business owner’s mistake, you may need a skilled attorney to make sure you receive fair support during your recovery. An injury like a broken bone, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, could result in thousands of dollars of medical expenses.
When the cost of care skyrockets, insurance companies look for ways to wiggle out of taking responsibility. It’s why a Bakersfield personal injury lawyer is a critical protection to have. Your lawyer investigates your accident and has evidence ready when insurance adjusters try to blame you for your accident and limit the support you receive.

What Our Clients Say

Personalized Legal Service
Just about anybody in your situation feels overwhelmed with the weight of the world on their shoulders. We can help you with understanding your legal options and deciding on the next steps to be taken. We believe strongly in personalized service. We have dedicated our practice to helping those who have been seriously injured or lost a family member as a result of the irresponsibility of somebody else.
We Keep You Informed
We’re fully aware of the fact that your life has been turned upside down. Let our law firm attend to the details, insurance companies, opposing attorneys and settlement negotiations. With our extensive experience in representing people just like you, we’re able to anticipate what is coming up next, so we’re fully prepared for whatever arises. By retaining us to represent you in your personal injury case, you’ll always be advised by phone, U.S. mail or email on the progress of your case. You’ll never need to contact us to inquire about the status of your case. If you do have questions that might arise from time to time, just contact us. Our attorneys either answer phone calls or return them if they’re unavailable. We understand the importance of responding to your emails too.
What Is a Personal Injury Claim?
California empowers accident victims to seek help with their recovery costs if their accidents were caused by the negligence or carelessness of someone else. A personal injury claim hinges on a few legal requirements.
- The at-fault party owed the victim a “duty of care.”
- The “duty of care” wasn’t provided.
- The lack of this care caused an accident and injury.
This duty of care means that people must avoid careless behavior that puts others in danger of accidents. Drivers on Highway 99 must not make reckless decisions that put other motorists at risk of a collision. Store owners must monitor their aisles to remove puddles and other dangers to prevent customers from taking painful falls.
It means a Bakersfield landlord is responsible for eliminating hazards around an apartment complex before a tenant or visitor can suffer an accident. It means a dog owner must restrain a dog on a leash to avoid unwanted interaction and devastating bite incidents.
In these cases, the victims have the legal right to ask for help to pay for medical care for an injury and the cost of repairs (in the case of a car accident). If it can be proven that an at-fault party contributed to an accident through negligence or recklessness, victims can earn support. This support would come through a settlement with an insurance company or through a lawsuit if an insurance company refuses to accept responsibility.
In some cases, several parties may be found negligent, meaning that more than one insurance company would have to provide compensation to the victim. Your lawyer helps you determine who was to blame and then targets the at-fault party’s liability insurance company and seeks full support. The at-fault party can be a corporate owner of a supermarket chain or restaurant. In this case, your Maison Law representative would meet their corporate lawyers head-on to make sure you were treated fairly.

Call Us For A Free Consulation
Call us 24/7 with No Obligations

Describe Your Accident Details
We will then discuss your legal options and decide whether to move your case forward.

Retain Maison Law w/ No Upfront Fees
We work on contingency. No attorney fees unless you win your case.

Receive Your Compensation
We will fight for you to earn the highest possible payout for your damages.
Types of Personal Injury Cases We Work With
While providing legal services to people who have been injured by others, we take on a wide variety of cases. Here are just a few examples of the types of personal injury claims and lawsuits that we represent injured victims in:
- Auto Accidents: even a small auto accident can lead to serious injuries with mounting medical and recovery bills, not to mention missed time from work.
- Pedestrian Accidents: Bakersfield is nationally known as an unsafe place for people on foot. Injuries suffered in a collision with a car are often severe. Pedestrians risk their own wellbeing when forced to travel alongside busy city traffic.
- Bicycle Accidents: when a bicycle accident happens in Bakersfield, the rider is subjected to potentially life threatening injuries. At the least, recovery is a long and expensive process that requires expert medical and legal support.
- Truck Accidents: Gigantic 18-wheelers can be more than 70 feet long and weigh up to 80,000 pounds. When they impact with a passenger vehicle, severe injuries or fatalities can result.
- Uber and Lyft Accidents: Special rules apply to passengers and others who have been injured by these transportation network providers. We use those rules to the client’s advantage.
- Motorcycle Crashes: Motorcyclists are exposed and vulnerable to serious injuries or death from a collision. They’re far more likely to be killed or seriously injured in an accident than drivers or occupants of other vehicles.
- Bus Accidents: Whether it’s a school, city, private or shuttle bus, nearly all passengers don’t have seat belts available. We represent both children and adults who have been injured in bus accidents.
- Dog Bites: Dog owners are usually fully responsible for dog bite injuries.
- Premises Liability & Slip-And-Fall Accidents: Dangerous conditions in homes and businesses cause injuries to people in slip-and-falls, trip-and-falls and other accidents. In big box warehouse stores, merchandise even comes crashing down on customers from high above. An injury at the Kern County Fair would leave victims demanding support from fair organizers with the state.
- Drowning Tragedies: Property owners and government entities can be held liable for drownings at city pools, hotel pools, and in rivers and lakes.
- Product Liability: A product might have a dangerous defect from the design or manufacturing process. A manufacturer might not market the product properly either. People are injured or die every day from dangerously defective products.
- Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse: Some nursing homes don’t provide proper care and treatment of their residents. Physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuse might also occur in these facilities.
- Wrongful Death: If a family member died as a result of the negligence of somebody else, a wrongful death action seeking monetary damages can be filed as a civil action. Monetary damages are not allowed to be sought in the criminal courts.
What Can I Receive Compensation for After a Personal Injury in Bakersfield?
Your Maison Law attorney fights to earn you and your family the maximum in compensation for what you’ve been through.
Your lawyer gets aggressive with insurance adjusters to earn a fair settlement offer that covers everything you and your family have endured. To do this, your attorney documents everything you’ve been through when filing a claim. This includes every hardship you or a loved one has faced due to a negligent act.
Your lawyer will list standard damages experienced by all victims after an accident. Your lawyer will also document some hardships you may not have thought of. Every damage you include in your claim and can prove will earn you more in compensation.

These are just a few examples of what factors into an insurance settlement offer:
- Hospital and injury rehabilitation expenses.
- Past and future lost earnings.
- Costs associated with a long-term or permanent physical disability.
- The physical pain and emotional anguish you endure.
- Loss of enjoyment of life.
- Loss of consortium (intimacy with a spouse).
- Damage or destruction of property.
- Travel costs while visiting doctors and surgeons. The expense of shuttle services while you are on crutches or in a wheelchair.
Bakersfield’s Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one as a result of the negligence of another person in Kern County, contact Maison Law. You can arrange for a free consultation with an experienced and effective personal injury attorney.
Discussing your case with a skilled Bakersfield personal injury lawyer in a free case review comes with no obligation. It’s a no-risk way to find out what your case may be worth and how to hold an insurance company completely responsible.
If you decide we can help you get the most out of your injury claim, you won’t need any money to hire us. We don’t get paid unless we win your case. Then our fee comes out of the settlement money you receive.

Frequently Asked Questions
The responding officer’s police report is the most significant document after a Bakersfield car accident. However, injured drivers should also collect relevant insurance info, contact details, and names from anyone involved in this crash. You should also collect eyewitness testimonies and take plenty of pictures with your phone.
Yes. You should give a statement to an official responding officer after your crash in Bakersfield. You should not, however, give a statement to the defendant’s insurance company until you’ve spoken with a qualified attorney. Please remember you can amend your initial police statement in the state of California.
Two years. You have up to two years from the date of your accident to file a claim. But don’t delay. The sooner you turn your case over to an attorney, the easier it will be to gather fresh evidence, secure security footage, and track down witnesses.