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Bakersfield Car Accidents Caused by Uninsured Motorists

Maison Law of Bakersfield protects the victims of accidents caused by uninsured motorists and makes sure they receive the support they need to recover. Injury compensation is available even when a driver without insurance sends you into a crash.

You can discuss your options to secure support in a free case consultation with a real Bakersfield car accident lawyer. Our free case reviews are confidential, and they come with no obligation. Get your questions answered by contacting us today.

How Can I Earn Compensation if I’m Hit by an Uninsured Motorist?

Bakersfield rush hours on routes like Highway 99 and New Stine Road can build to truly unsafe traffic levels. And among those cars around you, there are likely to be some drivers who are on the road without car insurance.

After a careless motorist causes you to be involved in a collision, there’s a chance you may be left to pay any car damage bills yourself. Unfortunately, if you are seriously hurt, you may also be stuck with massive medical costs, with seemingly no way to earn support from the at-fault party.

Fortunately, there are types of insurance coverage on your own policy that can help you in the event you or a family member become the victims of an uninsured driver. One protection is commonly included when you sign up for a California car insurance policy.

These are a few of your options:

  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage — One way you can seek support after a collision involving an uninsured driver is through a claim against your own car insurance policy. This claim would call upon your Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage. You aren’t required to have UM coverage in California, but most car insurance policies include this coverage unless you reject it in writing. It’s important to note that many UM policies only help with medical bills and don’t cover the damage to your car.
  • Med-Pay Coverage – Med-Pay isn’t required by California Law, but some drivers purchase it with their policies as an add-on. It provides support for your family’s medical bills after a crash, no matter who was at fault. Some policies also cover funeral costs in case you or a loved one were tragically killed in an accident.
  • Collision Insurance This is another optional coverage for California drivers. If you have it, it helps you pay to get the damage to your car fixed after an accident, no matter who is at fault.
  • Health Insurance – Your health insurance would usually be the first place you go to get help with paying hospital bills. Your insurer would usually pay everything and then go to the at-fault driver’s car insurance company to try to get the money reimbursed. If the other driver is uninsured, you could get hit with the deductibles and co-pays for your care soon afterward.
  • Lawsuit Against the Uninsured Driver – Your lawyer can help you build a strong case and sue the uninsured motorist. But be aware that filing a lawsuit may still leave you without any compensation. A motorist who can’t afford car insurance may not have a lot of savings or assets to pay you, even if a judge awards you a substantial judgment. You may still be left paying your own recovery bills.

Be warned that going through your own insurance company for support might seem like you’ll be treated fairly, but your provider can still try to limit your compensation. You might get far less than you should to pay your bills and to fully recover financially from missing paychecks at work. A Bakersfield car accident lawyer would help you negotiate with your insurance provider to make sure you received everything you needed.

When you must involve your own auto insurance provider there is some good news. In California, car insurance companies aren’t permitted to raise your rates over an accident that you didn’t cause.

Compensation Available to Bakersfield Uninsured Motorist Accident Victims

Your lawyer fully investigates your accident and collects evidence to show that you were an innocent victim. Your Bakersfield Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer builds a strong case to take to the at-fault driver’s insurance company or your own.

This case, backed with evidence, allows your lawyer to negotiate and get the most possible in an injury settlement. This ensures that you aren’t left paying half of your medical bills out of pocket.

Whether you have to seek financial support from your own auto insurance provider or from an at-fault driver’s policy, your legal representative demands full compensation for several factors:

  • Totals on medical bills and physical therapy expenses.
  • Estimated costs for a lifetime of care and support for a permanent physical disability.
  • Compensation for the physical pain endured in recovery and perhaps bouts of chronic pain in the future.
  • Emotional trauma. Depression and anxiety can affect victims who may suffer a loss of enjoyment of life in recovery.
  • Past and future lost earnings and benefits while victims are forced to miss work hours.
  • Funds for car repairs or replacement if it’s covered by the policy.
  • Wrongful death benefits. Families who have lost a close relative can file a wrongful death claim on the loved one’s uninsured motorist coverage. They could secure support for funeral expenses and leftover medical bills. They’ll also seek help with making up the income the victim can no longer provide close relatives.

Contact a Bakersfield Car Accident Lawyer After an Accident Involving an Uninsured Driver

After an accident involving an uninsured driver, make sure you act quickly. California extends the deadline to file an injury claim to two years. However, waiting months to file can mean that valuable evidence disappears, and witnesses become hard to find.

Speak with a Bakersfield Car Accident Lawyer to find out what your injury is worth and how to hold an insurance company and others fully accountable.

Schedule a free case consultation with Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law. This evaluation comes with no obligation to you or your family. If you do feel we can help you earn more, you won’t need any money to hire Maison Law. We don’t get paid unless your case is won, and then our fee comes out of the settlement money you receive.