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What To Do After A Los Angeles Car Accident on Interstate 5

Traffic through Los Angeles flows (or sits at a standstill) along Interstate 5 day and night. This major traffic artery connects several major California cities. But it’s a massive part of the infrastructure in Los Angeles County and carries thousands of people to work or class each day.

Of course, the “Five” also carries a bad reputation for police chases, reckless drivers, and gridlock. It’s often a hazardous place for even the safest of motorists. A careless driver could ram you from behind or veer sideways, sideswipe you, and send you into the paths of other vehicles. These types of impacts leave people with serious injuries and tragically claim lives each year.

Knowing what to do after an Interstate accident and injury could be the difference between receiving full support from an at-fault driver or being left to pay 50% or more of your medical bills.

Schedule a Free Consultation to Find Out What You Should Demand After an I-5 Accident

After you’ve been in a frightening car accident, you should be allowed to focus on healing without the worry of how you’ll pay for your care. Unfortunately, getting fair compensation to cover your medical bills and your lost time at work isn’t automatic.

As a victim of an Interstate 5 accident, you have benefits and rights that an insurance company won’t be informing you of. You need to arm yourself with knowledge so that you and your family aren’t left with far less compensation than you need.

There’s a no-risk way to find out what your case is worth and what kind of support you should demand from an insurance adjuster.  Schedule a free case consultation with Maison Law of California. This evaluation comes with no obligation to you or your family. Discussing what happened with a skilled attorney will help you understand the options you have before you so that you can make an informed decision on your next move.

Interstate 5 Accident Dangers Through Los Angeles

I-5 Runs North/South through Los Angeles County and carries 10 lanes or more of traffic through some parts of L.A. There’s a lot of congestion but vehicles are still routinely able to travel well over the posted speed limit.

It’s a major threat to most all drivers in Los Angeles. In 2021, this routine carelessness and recklessness in the lanes left thousands of people injured. In the California Transportation Injury Mapping System’s (TIMS) unofficial numbers for 2021, they recorded 3,311 traffic accidents on Los Angeles Interstates for the year. Those accidents led to 4,679 people being injured and proved fatal for a tragic 44 victims.

After suffering a strike from another car in an Interstate 5 collision, it’s vital to know where to turn for injury support. And in the event of a tragedy, it’s also important to know how to secure support for family members who have lost a loved one to someone’s negligence.

What To Do After an Interstate 5 Accident in Los Angeles

After an accident, an at-fault driver’s auto insurance provider will be working to limit the support you receive. In fact, if they can manage it, they’ll send the blame your way or downplay your injury. They’ll use these excuses to reject your claim and offer zero support for you in recovery.

The best way to block these insurance tactics is to bring as much evidence into your case as possible. Prove you weren’t responsible and show how your injuries have affected your physical and financial wellbeing.

Your Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer will be gathering evidence for you after the fact. However, you’ll likely be the only one who can collect evidence on the scene before I-5 is cleaned up and debris is removed.

If you are able, or if someone with you is physically able, try to gather these details in the moments after your interstate accident:

  • Alert 911. The California Highway Patrol will respond to the scene and will be writing up a collision report. Tell them everything you remember.
  • Move your vehicle. According to the California DMV, you should move your vehicle off the road and out of the lanes if you are in a highway or interstate accident that doesn’t involve an injury or death.
  • Allow paramedics to check you out no matter how minor you think your injuries are. Go to the hospital if necessary. See your own doctor in the following days to have all injuries documented.
  • Exchange information. Get driver’s license and insurance information from other drivers.
  • Don’t make comments about fault or how badly you are hurt to other drivers. These statements can be used against you later. For the same reason, don’t give insurance representatives that call you later any recorded statements.
  • Use your cellphone to take photos. Show the damage to all cars involved. Show lane markings and skid marks involved. Take photos of any visible injuries.
  • Talk with witnesses. Note what they saw and find out how your California personal injury lawyer can contact them.
  • Contact a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer after a serious injury. When an accident involves an expensive recovery, insurance companies fight hard to avoid helping you pay for recovery. A skilled personal injury lawyer builds a strong case to send to insurance companies, leaving them no room to deny coverage. Your lawyer also protects you from insufficient settlement offers. If an offer still leaves bills for you to pay out of your own pocket, it’s sent back and your lawyer fights for more.

Compensation and Deadlines in Los Angeles Interstate 5 Accidents

Interstate accident victims in Los Angeles have up to two years to file an accident claim against an at-fault driver’s insurer. But you shouldn’t use all of this time. You should act as quickly as possible to give your personal injury lawyer the best chance to gather fresh evidence and keep track of witnesses.

Filing your accident claim as soon as you’re ready also means you could see your settlement check sooner. The amount on this settlement check will be determined by several factors in your Interstate 5 accident injury case.

Your total on hospital bills and any estimates on future care needed in the case of a long-term injury or permanent physical disability should be the first things compensated. Your lost wages while you’ve been forced to miss work also factor in. Your physical pain and emotional trauma experienced also add to the total of a settlement agreement.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Serving Los Angeles Victims

After a serious traffic accident on Interstate 5 through Los Angeles County or anywhere in Southern California, please rely on an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney. An experienced attorney handles the most frustrating parts of the insurance claims process and protects what’s important to you.

Insurance companies aren’t required to tell you about every benefit available to you. When you aren’t informed of your rights, you can lose out on valuable resources and end up paying for a large chunk of your recovery costs out-of-pocket.

That should never be the case when you are put through such a traumatic accident through no fault of your own. Take advantage of a free case consultation from Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law. This evaluation comes with no obligation to you or your family. Make sure you are treated fairly and receive the support you need to fully recover and get back to your normal life.