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Porterville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Maison Law is prepared to represent those who have fallen victim to a pedestrian accident is Porterville and throughout the Tulare County community. With many busy streets, intersections, and highways, Porterville can be a dangerous area for pedestrians who share the roads with passenger vehicles, trucks, and more.

Though a driver is always supposed to look out for pedestrians with the knowledge that they are incredibly vulnerable parties, this does not always happen. Within seconds, a pedestrian accident could occur that leads to severe injuries or even takes the life of a victim. When a pedestrian accident occurs, drivers sometimes try to pin the blame on the pedestrian even if the accident was not their fault. If you have been hurt in one of these accidents or lost a loved one and wonder where you can turn, please do not hesitate to contact us for representation.

Do I Need to Hire a Porterville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer After an Accident?

It is true that you can move forward with a pedestrian accident claim without the help of an attorney; however, it is not recommended if the following aspects are present:

  • The accident was completely or partially caused by another person
  • Your injuries led to a hospital stay or follow-up doctor’s visits
  • You have missed out on time at work due to your injuries
  • Your life has otherwise been impacted by your pedestrian accident

Some pedestrian accidents happen at low speeds or a pedestrian was only bumped slightly by a vehicle. If you have only sustained property damage or minor bruises due to your accident, you may not need legal help. Otherwise, it is beneficial to speak with a lawyer who has handled pedestrian accident claims in the past.

Right-of-Way Regarding Pedestrians

On Porterville roads and the rest of California, drivers always owe a duty of care to watch for pedestrians. However, right-of-way can quickly become an issue when a pedestrian accident occurs and fault needs to be determined. Drivers do have a responsibility to avoid a pedestrian at all costs, making them liable in many accidents involving these parties. A driver is constantly supposed to stay aware of their surroundings, yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk, and obey the speed limit to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents that occur every year.

Common Causes of Porterville Pedestrian Accidents

A pedestrian accident can happen anywhere and at any time, with many of the results being devastating. By understanding how pedestrian accidents occur, drivers and pedestrians can work together to prevent these horrific and life-altering accidents. Some of the most common causes of these accidents include the following:

Left-Hand Turns: As mentioned, intersections are known for being some of the most dangerous places for pedestrians. At intersections, accidents involving left-hand turning drivers are more likely to happen than anywhere else. About three times as many people are struck by vehicles turning left than those turning right, making these accidents more prevalent than others.

Driver Distractions: When a driver is not focused on the road before them, a distracted driving accident involving a pedestrian could occur. Some of the ways that distracted drivers risk pedestrian lives are through texting, eating while eating, and fiddling with the radio.

Lack of Crosswalks: There are many areas in Porterville and beyond where crosswalks are not prevalent. Pedestrians are at risk in areas where a driver does not see a crosswalk and, therefore, does not stop in time.

Speeding: If a vehicle is traveling at high speeds, the driver not be able to stop in time for a crossing pedestrian. This can lead to a serious and even deadly accident, as high-speed accidents tend to involve catastrophic force.

Inexperienced Driving: If a driver has less experience on the roads, they are less likely to respond to pedestrians until it is too late.

Failing to Follow Traffic Laws: Breaking the laws of the road can lead to a serious pedestrian accident. These include actions like making an illegal-turn, failing to follow road signs, and speeding.

 Injuries Present in Porterville Pedestrian Accidents

Due to the vulnerability of pedestrians and the fact that drivers are operating vehicles that are thousands of pounds, a pedestrian accident is likely to lead to severe injuries or fatal results. Many of these accidents lead to devastating consequences that can land a victim in the hospital or keep them away from their everyday lifestyles from before the accident. Some of the most common injuries that stem from pedestrian accidents include the following:

  • Soft tissue damage such as contusions, sprains, and dislocations
  • Broken bones and fractures to the wrists, arms, shoulders, legs, and more
  • Traumatic brain injuries ranging in severity from concussions to comas
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis

On top of hospital stays, many pedestrians who have been struck by a vehicle will require follow-up care, rehabilitation, medical equipment, prescriptions, and more. You can see how quickly the medical expenses pile up after a pedestrian accident, leaving an individual in a desperate situation.

Damages Available to Victims After a Pedestrian Accident in Porterville

If you have been seriously injured in a pedestrian accident, you are likely considering a personal injury claim with the help of a lawyer. Depending on the circumstances of your claim, there could be many different types of damages available for you both economically and non-economically. These include some of the following:

  • Emergency medical care and ongoing medical treatment expenses
  • Lost income and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering, such as emotional distress caused by the accident
  • In-home assistance and home care
  • Therapy and rehabilitation

On top of these damages, a family may be eligible to file a claim if a loved one has been taken from them in a fatal collision. A family member or representative may be able to claim damages for funeral costs, burial expenses, loss of companionship, and more after a pedestrian accident has claimed a life.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the statute of limitations on pedestrian accident claims in Porterville?

In all of California, you have two years from the time of your accident or the discovery of your injury to file a personal injury claim. If you fail to do so before this mark, you could miss out on opportunities for damages.


How do I pay the bills if I was injured in my pedestrian accident due to a hit-and-run driver?

In many cases, you will be covered under uninsured motorist insurance coverage if you were struck by a hit-and-run driver. If the driver was apprehended by police since your accident, you can file a claim against their insurance for damages.


Who can file a wrongful death claim on behalf of a pedestrian who lost their life in an accident?

There are several parties who could be eligible to file a wrongful death claim after a pedestrian accident, from a spouse or a child to a parent of the deceased. A personal representative of the estate is also eligible to bring a claim on their behalf.


Contact a Porterville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Porterville and many other Tulare County cities have implemented safety precautions to protect pedestrians at all costs. However, pedestrian accidents still happen weekly, risking the lives of many. These accidents are capable of causing devastating injuries, emotional trauma, and even taking lives.

If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a pedestrian accident, you have legal options moving forward. At Maison Law, we will compassionately handle all aspects of your claim and stand by your side as you navigate the complex legal system. Contact an understanding Porterville pedestrian accident lawyer who has handled claims like yours in the past and is interested in standing up to the big-name insurance company on your behalf. Your consultation is free and completely confidential.