California is famous for its beautiful, sunny days, but at times the weather can turn dangerous and put people at risk. This is especially true when freeways and boulevards leave drivers battling heavy rains and high winds.
It’s hard enough for cars and SUVs to keep it between the lines. But truck drivers behind the wheel of tall big rigs may have a real challenge keeping their trailers grounded and in the proper lane.
A frightening situation gets even worse when truck drivers get reckless in stormy conditions and create even more risk for other motorists. When a truck driver’s carelessness causes a collision and injuries, victims can file injury claims against the driver and the driver’s employer. A California truck accident lawyer helps victims secure recovery help from every party responsible.
Talk to a Real California Truck Accident Lawyer in a Free Consultation
After a scary collision involving a semi-truck during bad weather, you won’t likely be able to focus on much else but healing and recovery. That’s exactly what should happen as at-fault truck drivers and the trucking companies should be the ones worrying about how your medical bills will get paid.
To find out how to hold a trucking company fully responsible for your recovery costs, contact a California semi-truck accident lawyer for a free consultation. It’s your chance to find out what your injury should be worth and how to hold a truck driver and the driver’s employer accountable.
There’s no obligation to Maison Law, but if you decide we can help you get the most from your high wind zone semi-truck accident claim, you won’t need any upfront money. We don’t get paid unless we win your claim.
California High Wind Zone Truck Accident Dangers
When the Santa Ana winds blow, Interstate 15 through San Bernardino County, across the desert, and up to Barstow is a very dangerous route. Big rigs across the area and in Los Angeles County can be pushed into other lanes by strong gusts to endanger the other motorists traveling alongside.
Some windy days in the Bay Area reach extremes that can topple tractor-trailers over on top of cars, SUVs, pickups, and motorcyclists. Bridges are especially hazardous as they span the waters between San Francisco and Oakland and elsewhere without cover from the wind. An empty tractor-trailer can leave trucks very light and much more vulnerable to violent gusts.
The coastline and the coastal mountains from San Diego up through Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz, and into Northern California can all go from sunny to stormy in a matter of minutes. Winds on the Pacific Coast Highway and Highway 101 can leave anyone near a big rig in danger of a devastating crash.
Traumatic injuries may be the result and patients can wait longer for care as they must be rescued out from under overturned trucks. The weather could also delay emergency response.
Victims in truck accidents involving wind should receive the best medical care available and not have to stress about who will pay for hospital bills. A California Truck Accident Lawyer makes sure truck drivers and trucking companies provide whatever is needed now and in the future to restore victims back to their normal lives.
Who Is to Blame After a High Wind Semi-Truck Accident?
It may seem like Chinook Winds or “bomb cyclones” are to blame for these frightening situations, but in many cases, commercial truck drivers can bear some or all of the responsibility after an accident.
Drivers, especially those at the wheel of large trucks, are always responsible for traveling at speeds that are safe for the conditions. This comes into play when storms and high winds are present. Truck drivers must slow down enough to allow themselves to remain in control of their tractor-trailers. Higher speeds also leave trucks more vulnerable to being blown over.
Drivers must slow down to speeds that ensure they aren’t at risk of causing accidents. They might have to brake until they are crawling along at 30 mph or 15 mph when mother nature blows. When truck drivers continue at normal speeds during a windstorm, or even exceed the speed limit, they can be liable for the scary crashes they cause.
A skilled truck accident attorney would also investigate the truck driver’s employer. Trucking companies might be guilty of not training drivers enough or hiring a driver with a dangerous record. These companies can also put unsafe trucks or unstable loads out on the freeway to put California motorists in even more danger in bad weather.
Do I Need a Lawyer after a California High Wind Truck Accident?
It’s a good idea. Your claim may involve the truck driver’s employer. This can leave you up against corporate lawyers and commercial truck insurance companies. An attorney is your defense against their tactics to limit compensation.
If your accident involves only car damage or just very minor bumps and bruises, you might not need a lawyer. But accidents involving bad weather and large trucks often carry enough force to cause broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and even life-threatening harm.
Your lawyer investigates what happened and secures all evidence and witness testimony to build a strong case. When your claim is submitted, insurance adjusters will have a much harder time trying to shift the blame for an accident to you or downplaying your injuries.
What Type of Compensation Can I Receive After a California Truck Accident?
Your lawyer also makes sure you don’t sign off on a “lowball” settlement offer that covers your current medical bills but doesn’t provide what you’ll need in the future.
Once you sign a truck accident settlement you can’t go back to a trucking company to ask for more money when your injury flares up or you require another surgery. A permanent physical disability would mean you and your family would need enough in support to last a lifetime. Your lawyer makes absolutely sure these possibilities are covered.
The amount of your settlement check after a California semi-truck accident is determined by these factors and more:
- Your current hospital bills now and any expected in the future.
- All estimated costs for care associated with a long-term injury or permanent disability.
- The physical pain and emotional distress you suffer through recovery.
- Your lost wages while missing valuable hours at work as you heal.
- Travel costs associated with your care. These costs can be considerable when you are on crutches or in a wheelchair and unable to drive.
- Wrongful death benefits. Families who lose a loved one in a truck accident seek support for funeral costs and all leftover medical bills. Close relatives, like a spouse or children of the deceased, must also receive support for the future for the income the victim will no longer be able to provide.
Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer After a California High Wind Zone Crash
After a serious accident involving a big rig during a windy day, talk to a skilled California truck accident lawyer at Maison Law. An experienced attorney handles the most frustrating parts of an insurance claim and fights trucking companies until they provide what’s fair to you.
Insurance companies aren’t required to tell you about every benefit available to your family. When you aren’t informed of your rights, you can lose out on valuable resources and end up paying for a large chunk of your recovery costs out-of-pocket.
That should never be the case when you or a loved one are the victims of a traumatic truck accident through no fault of your own. Contact Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law for a free case review. This evaluation comes with no obligation to you or your family. Make sure you are treated fairly and receive the support you need to fully recover and get back to your normal life.