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Should I hire a personal injury lawyer if I slip on a rain puddle at the entrance to a store in California?

If you slip and fall on rainwater tracked into a store by customers, you could need a lawyer to help hold the store responsible. If you suffer a serious injury, a lawyer can help you earn recovery support.

Maison Law represents victims injured in slip-and-fall accidents at grocery stores and department stores in California. Contact our office to schedule a free case consultation. It’s a no-risk way to speak to a real California slip-and-fall lawyer to find out what your injury claim is worth and how to make sure a store owner or corporation can’t avoid taking responsibility for their carelessness.

Rain Puddle Slip-And-Fall Dangers in California Stores

Not every corner of California sees a lot of rain each year, but when storms hit, places that welcome customers in, like supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants, are responsible for keeping people safe from slippery floors.

Customers and employees track rainwater in and puddles can form at the entrances to places like Albertsons, Walmart, or Lucky. Customers can walk in without looking down and might slip and be on the hard tile before they even realize there’s a danger. They could suffer a broken bone or head trauma, all because a store manager and employers weren’t putting safety first.

Some businesses also put mats or rugs down on floors when conditions get wet. These carpets can curl up and suddenly become a trip-and-fall hazard for customers. Visitors to stores might fall forward to land on a kneecap or suffer a facial injury, even losing some teeth.

The companies and corporations that own grocery chains and other businesses are liable for every customer’s safety. But they don’t always accept the blame for their mistakes willingly. After a serious injury, a California slip-and-fall lawyer can turn up the pressure on business owners to provide full support to victims through such a difficult time.

Who Is Responsible After a Supermarket Slip-And-Fall Accident Caused by Rainwater?

According to state law, California business owners owe all customers a “duty of care.” That means any visitors, clients, and customers must be protected from hazards from the time they exit their cars all the way to the back aisle of a store.

This duty includes keeping entrances mopped on rainy days when shoes and boots bring those puddles into the stores. Yellow “Wet Floor” hazard signs are also supposed to be out to alert customers to the danger.

When victims slip and fall, they can suffer major injuries such as a broken leg or a fractured hip. These injuries might require lengthy hospital stays and a lot of physical therapy sessions. The negligence of a company or corporation to leave obstacles, like a puddle, at the front of a store like Whole Foods or Smart & Final, makes the business liable for the victim’s medical expenses and more.

Holding a Store Responsible for a Slip-And-Fall Injury with the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you take a fall at a business, but only suffer a minor injury or just bruising, you may not need a lawyer’s help. But if you suffer a serious injury like a broken bone or a traumatic brain injury after hitting your head, you could benefit by having strong legal representation. It’s also a good idea to speak to a local lawyer in a free consultation when a store is trying to unfairly blame you for an accident.

Unfortunately, when an injury is serious, the costs of recovery will escalate quickly. A local store owner or a corporate owner want to avoid having to take the blame and the financial responsibility.

Big corporations like Walmart have the money to afford corporate lawyers. Their job is to try to find ways to blame you for your accident and/or cast doubt on the seriousness of your injury. A California personal injury lawyer is a safeguard for your case.

Your lawyer gathers all evidence from your accident, including medical charts, eyewitness accounts, and video footage to build a strong case. This proof helps prevent a store owner or company from avoiding all blame for what happened to you or a loved one.

Your lawyer also negotiates to maximize the slip-and-fall settlement check you receive. An insurance company for the business may make you a “lowball” offer that doesn’t cover all of your recovery expenses.

An experienced California slip-and-fall attorney will recognize this unacceptable offer and will help you reject it. Then your lawyer demands what is fair. The vast majority of cases are settled out of court, but if an insurance company refused to treat you right, your lawyer will be ready to take the business owner or corporate chain to court to demand fair compensation.

Contact a California Slip-And-Fall Lawyer

Immediately after an accident, try to secure a few details if you are left strong enough. Take photos of the puddle or obstacle that caused you to fall, get witness contact information, and alert managers so they can write up an accident report. Then contact a skilled California Slip-And-Fall Accident Lawyer for a free consultation on how to get the most for your injury claim.

Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law, has a long history of taking on giant corporations to protect injured clients while they are at their most vulnerable. There’s no obligation for your free case review with Maison Law. But if you decide we can help you earn more after an injury caused by rainwater left out on the floor, you won’t need any upfront money. We don’t get paid unless we win your case for you. Then our attorney fee comes out of the settlement you are awarded.