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What is the success fee for a Motorcycle accident lawyer?

Reputable California motorcycle accident lawyers will work on a contingency basis and only accept payment if your case is successful. If a lawyer wins your case for you, the attorney receives a “success fee” taken out of the settlement money you received. This fee is usually around a third of your settlement award.

What Percentage of My Award Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Receive?

When you enter a contingency fee agreement with a motorcycle accident lawyer, the client agrees to certain terms that indicate when lawyers get paid, how they get paid, and how much.

Under the standard contingency agreement, injured motorcycle collision victims don’t have to pay any upfront money to hire a lawyer. In fact, the attorney receives nothing if the case is lost.

If the case is won, the lawyer receives a success fee, but the lawyer’s fee wouldn’t come out of the victim’s savings.  The lawyer’s fee, which is usually around 33%, is taken from the settlement money or court judgment the victim is awarded. After a settlement victory, lawyers are paid for their services and, in some cases, reimbursed for some investigative costs and court fees.

Then the victim receives the rest of the settlement to cover all current medical bills and any that arise in the future. The victim’s lost income while having to miss work with an injury should also be reimbursed. A settlement check should also include compensation for the physical pain and emotional trauma traffic accident victims go through.

Visit our page, which further explains how much a California motorcycle accident lawyer gets paid.

Why Does a California Motorcycle Lawyer Get a Success Fee?

Lawyers receive this fee because they take a big financial risk to handle the motorcyclist’s case without a guarantee they’ll get paid for their work. Representing accident victims under a contingency fee means the attorney could end up with nothing after putting in a substantial amount of time on the case.

A lawyer would cover expenses required for accident reconstruction, pay expert witnesses, and cover other evidence-gathering costs. Lawyers go without any assurance they’ll get paid for their work. A success fee is a way to make the risk level more acceptable and ensure every victim can afford quality legal representation.

Cases are unpredictable and judges and juries sometimes make unexpected decisions. Lawyers can lose cases through no fault of their own. A law firm can sink a lot of time and funds into a case, only to get nothing in return.

Case success is never a sure thing, but most lawyers would only take a case if they thought it was a strong one. They’d also only accept your case if they felt they could earn you much more from insurance companies than you could on your own. The idea is for the lawyer to secure you enough in compensation to pay their fee and still provide you with much more than you would have earned if you’d handled your case yourself.

How Can I Be Sure I Know What My Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Is Paid?

A third of the settlement is the standard fee for personal injury lawyers under a contingency agreement, but you should never assume that’s what you’ll pay.

You should know exactly what the price will be and how the attorney gets paid before you sign any agreement. Your potential lawyer should go over this important detail and make it absolutely clear before you accept representation.

These are a few tips to make sure you are with the right law firm and that you aren’t confused about what happens with your settlement check:

  • Ask questions if you aren’t sure how your lawyer gets paid
  • Make sure your lawyer clearly goes over the contingency fee and how it will work
  • Be absolutely sure you understand how much the lawyer will make if the case is won
  • If a motorcycle accident lawyers aren’t open with you about how much they’ll receive, it may be time to consider a different law firm
  • Make sure the lawyer works under a contingency agreement and doesn’t seek to be paid hourly
  • For most traffic accident claims, only hire a lawyer who will work on a contingency basis

When Do I Need the Help of a California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

If your motorcycle accident involves property damage and only very minor injuries, you may not need the help of a lawyer for your case. Getting repairs reimbursed has become a standard process that lawyers usually can’t improve upon.

However, if your accident involves a more serious injury like a broken leg or head trauma, and a careless driver is to blame, a lawyer can often win you much more than you would have won for yourself. When hospital bills grow, insurance companies seek ways to question your claim. Insurance adjusters are well known for wanting to pin the blame for accidents on motorcyclists, despite what an accident report says.

Your California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer serves as a protection against this shady attempt to deny support to victims. Your lawyer also demands the most compensation for the injury possible on your behalf.

Contact Maison Law for a free, no-obligation consultation. It’s a no-risk way to find out what your injury is worth and what you should be holding an insurance company to. If we can’t help improve the outcome of your case, we’ll tell you that and explain how to handle the case yourself. If you do feel we can help you earn more for your injury, there’s no need to worry about having the money to hire us. We work under a contingency agreement and don’t get paid unless we win your case.