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How much does it cost to hire a Motorcycle accident lawyer in California?

It shouldn’t cost you anything to hire a skilled motorcycle accident attorney. A reputable lawyer would work for you on a contingency basis. This means the lawyer is only paid if your case is won and that payment comes from the settlement check you earn.

Under a contingency contract, you shouldn’t have to pay anything out of your own savings. You wouldn’t need any money to hire a lawyer. A contingency agreement means you don’t pay the lawyer unless your case is successful. Then the lawyer’s fee would come from the settlement check or court judgment you received.

How Much Does My California Car Accident Lawyer Get Paid?

Under a contingency agreement, your lawyer would only receive payment if your case is won. At this point, California personal injury lawyers usually charge a fee of around 33%, but even then, the fee wouldn’t be paid by you.

The fee comes out of the settlement check that comes to the lawyer’s office. The attorney’s fee and sometimes some investigative costs are taken out of the award, and then the victim and the victim’s family receive the rest.

Your lawyer earns around a third of your settlement in part to offset the risk they take when representing you. Under a contingency agreement, your lawyer fronts the cost to build your case, secure witness testimony, and collect other proof. If a case is thrown out for some reason, or it’s ruled that you were to blame for the accident, the lawyer loses all of this money and doesn’t get paid. It’s why attorneys get a portion of any settlement after a win, to offset the chance they may come away with nothing.

No case is guaranteed to be successful, but when good lawyers take your case, it means they feel they can earn you much more than you could earn on your own. If they can’t, they should advise you on how to best handle the case yourself.

One more note. You should never be left wondering what you’ll be paying your lawyer and when. Your lawyer should be upfront on the fee you’ll pay if a case is successful. Don’t sign a contract to hire legal representation until you are absolutely clear on the process. Make sure to ask your lawyer directly.

How Do I Know If I Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

If your California accident only involves motorcycle damage and/or very minor injuries, you may not need the help of a lawyer to get fair treatment. But if your injuries are more serious and your medical bills are high, and a careless driver is to blame, a California motorcycle accident lawyer is a valuable protection for your case.

When doctor bills rise, car insurance companies work harder to find ways out of taking responsibility. They’ll try many tactics to rob victims of important support and benefits.

These are the many ways a lawyer can help protect you as you heal from a motorcycle injury:

  • Protecting You from Blame. Many insurance adjusters would blame motorcyclists for every traffic accident if they could get away with it. They use old stereotypes about reckless motorcyclists to pin blame on riders. This is despite a police accident report that might say a careless driver was at fault. If it works, car insurance companies can justify offering nothing in support for desperate victims. Your lawyer’s investigative work would produce the evidence needed to fight back against false accusations.
  • Make Sure Your Injuries Aren’t Downplayed. Insurance adjusters also like to cast doubt on how serious a rider’s injuries are. They’ll say the wounds aren’t that bad so they can get away with offering much less in an injury settlement than patients will need to pay all of their hospital bills. Adjusters can also use their in-house doctors to attempt to label the injury as pre-existing, saying the victim suffered the injury in a previous accident. Your lawyer would be ready with medical documents and expert testimony to disprove these false attacks on your case.
  • Strong Negotiation Skills. Your Maison Law attorney will have experience negotiating with massive insurance providers. A strong case will give your attorney the leverage to demand the maximum in compensation available for your family. A strong case can often help you earn much more in compensation than you could have secured on your own.
  • Rejecting “Lowball” Settlement Offers. Your lawyer will have experience with other accident cases and can immediately tell when a settlement offer isn’t fair for the victim. Your lawyer identifies these low offers, helps you reject them, and then demands more on your behalf. Lowball offers usually don’t cover all the medical bills a patient faces or the lost income while the victim has been out of work.
  • Threat of a Lawsuit. If a car insurance company wants to test your commitment to getting justice, they may reject your claim altogether. Your lawyer will be ready to file a lawsuit and take them to court. Often the threat of legal action and a trial is enough to get an insurance company to come back to the negotiating table and agree to a fair amount. Your lawyer represents the real threat of a lawsuit, and insurers want to avoid the cost of going before a judge and jury and the bad publicity. The vast majority of motorcycle accident victims never have to go to court because insurance companies want to settle before it comes to that.

Contact a California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Speak with a skilled California motorcycle accident lawyer after any traffic collision caused by a careless driver that leaves you with a serious injury. It’s important to know about every benefit available to you and your family because an insurance representative won’t be informing you about your options.

Contact Maison Law for a free, no-obligation consultation. It’s a no-risk way to find out what your injury is worth and what you should demand from reckless drivers and their unhelpful auto insurance companies.