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The Support You Need. The Settlement You Deserve.

Lucia Personal Injury Lawyer

There’s only one way to get to Lucia by car, and that’s on U.S. Highway 1. It’s estimated that more than 5 million people pass through the Big Sur area every year. Huge backups for miles and miles are often experienced when getting to Big Sur and Lucia. Drivers with a short fuse and little time over a weekend are going to try and take shortcuts or otherwise take risks to reduce the time that they spend in congested traffic. That’s when accidents happen and people are injured.

What Our Clients Say

Common Traffic Accidents in and Around Lucia

Martin Gasparian is a California car accident lawyer who represents clients who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents in and around Big Sur and Lucia. Here are some of the more typical causes of traffic accidents that occur and cause injuries in and around the area:

  • Distracted driving like using a navigational device while in motion.
  • Following a vehicle ahead too closely and causing a rear-end collision.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way when approaching a stop sign or red light.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way when turning.
  • Driving too fast for traffic or weather conditions.
  • Illegal lane usage and forcing another vehicle off of the road or causing a head-on collision.
  • Crashes or hit-and-run caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any combination of the two.


When motor vehicle crashes occur that are the fault of somebody else, you shouldn’t need to pay for the damages that you suffered. Medical bills can be overwhelming, lost time from work could add up to months and some injury symptoms can be permanent. You’ll be in need of a respected, dedicated, compassionate, and effective California car accident lawyer who can put your personal injury case together while you’re still healing.

Martin Gasparian is the founder of Maison Law, and he offers motor vehicle injury victims free consultations and case reviews. If he decides to represent you in your accident case, no legal fees are even due unless he obtains a recovery for you. His goal is to obtain the highest settlement or award that you deserve. Contact Martin Gasparian at Maison Law right away after being injured in a motor vehicle accident in or around Lucia for that free consultation and case review.

Lucia’s Personal Injury Lawyer

Lucia is a community that prides itself on hard work and family life. Those qualities must sometimes be protected when property owners, careless drivers, or negligent employers put others at risk and end up getting them hurt.

If you or a loved one are seriously injured due to the carelessness of someone else, contact a Lucia Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to demand what’s fair from national corporations, local employers, and anyone else who may be liable for your suffering.

Discuss your case with attorney Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law in Lucia, for a free consultation that comes with no obligation. Mr. Gasparian worked for major corporations and dealt with some of the biggest insurers in the world. He now uses his knowledge to make sure everyday people aren’t taken advantage of by corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice, and the personalized attention to detail their case deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Even if pedestrians were distracted and weren’t on a crosswalk, they could file an injury claim in Lucia. Since California has comparative negligence standards, plaintiffs don’t need to prove the defendant was 100 percent responsible for their injuries. As long as injured clients could prove some degree of negligence on the defendant’s part, they could receive compensation.

No. Typically, insurance providers like to settle wrongful death cases out of court. However, there’s always a chance negotiations break down and you have to go to trial. To gauge the likelihood of a wrongful death court case, it’s best to speak with a lawyer familiar with these claims.