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Fairfield Personal Injury Lawyer

Fairfield is in Solano County and located about midway between San Francisco and Sacramento. The city’s population is pushing 118,000, and Travis Air Force Base is a short three miles from Fairfield’s central business district. The base is the city’s lifeblood, employing about 13,400 people.

Anheuser-Bush, Clorox, and Jelly Belly also have facilities here. Of course, residents of Fairfield also work in other governmental or private positions in surrounding cities and counties. Tens of thousands of acres around Fairfield are irrigated. they produce fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Cattle farms also dot the agricultural landscape.

With such an active military, manufacturing, and agricultural community, even the most routine activity can become dangerous especially along I-80 and Route 12.

What Our Clients Say

Common Personal Injury Accidents in Fairfield

With a substantial population, a U.S. Air Force base next door, and sitting between two of California’s two largest cities, accidents with resulting injuries and deaths happen in and around Fairfield, and they happen on a daily basis. Here are some of the common types of accidents that are seen in and around Fairfield:

  • Auto Accidents: These remain the top cause of accidental injuries and deaths in California. Auto accidents occur in the city itself, on Interstate 80 and State Route 12, and on Solano County roads.
  • Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Accidents: Riders and pedestrians share the fact that they’re highly exposed and vulnerable to injuries in the event that they’re in a car accident. Injuries are more severe for these victims, and fatality rates increase dramatically.
  • Slip and Falls and Trip and Falls: These are the second leading cause of accidental injuries and deaths in California. A fractured skull coupled with a traumatic brain injury and a fractured hip are all common slip-and-fall injuries. With trip-and-falls. Fractured facial bones, dental injuries, wrist and arm fractures, and rib fractures are all dangers of falling forward.
  • Construction Accidents: More than one person or business entity might be responsible for a severe injury or death in a construction accident. California workers’ compensation benefits might not be a person’s sole and exclusive remedy in a construction accident.
  • Medical Malpractice: As per Johns Hopkins Medical, physician and hospital negligence might be the third leading cause of death in the United States. It happens in California too.
  • Wrongful Death: When a person is careless and negligent and causes the death of somebody else, California law permits the filing of a wrongful death claim. Wide-ranging damages that are allowed in wrongful death cases give them considerable value.

Contact a Fairfield Personal Injury Attorney Today

After suffering injuries or the death of a family member as a result of the carelessness and negligence of somebody else, you have the right to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and losses. Bringing and maintaining a personal injury claim or lawsuit isn’t easy. Insurance companies have adjusters and defense attorneys who are looking out for the insurers’ best interests. Who’s looking out for you?

Martin Gasparian at Maison Law is a dedicated and experienced California personal injury lawyer. He offers sound legal judgment and highly effective client advocacy. Don’t hesitate to contact him for a free consultation and case review as soon as possible after you’ve been injured or lost a family member in any California accident. His objective is to maximize any settlement or award that you might receive.

Fairfield’s Personal Injury Lawyer

Fairfield is a community that prides itself on hard work and family life. Those qualities must sometimes be protected when property owners, careless drivers, or negligent employers put others at risk and end up getting them hurt.

If you or a loved one are seriously injured due to the carelessness of someone else, contact a Fairfield Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to demand what’s fair from national corporations, local employers, and anyone else who may be liable for your suffering.

Discuss your case with attorney Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law in Fairfield, for a free consultation that comes with no obligation. Mr. Gasparian worked for major corporations and dealt with some of the biggest insurers in the world. He now uses his knowledge to make sure everyday people aren’t taken advantage of by corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice, and the personalized attention to detail their case deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Even if Fairfield bicyclists feel they partially caused their crash, they can recover significant damages in California. Unlike some other states, CA courts use comparative negligence standards. So, insurers may assign some blame to you, but you can still recover a percentage of compensation from the defendant.

While bicyclists are usually at a disadvantage versus cars, that doesn’t mean motorists are always at fault. Bicyclists still have a duty to obey the rules of the road, and a California court could dole out blame as it sees fit. It’s important for car drivers and bicyclists to keep California’s comparative negligence laws in mind before filing a claim.