Maison Law represents the victims of Arvin and Kern County personal injury accidents. Our personal injury lawyers help accident victims get the support they need to make a full recovery. Please contact us after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. We provide a free, no-obligation consultation for all local injury victims. It’s a no-risk opportunity to find out what your injury may be worth and how to hold careless people or businesses fully responsible.
Do I Need a Lawyer After an Arvin Personal Injury Accident?
If you suffer only minor bruising or only property damage, you are probably okay filing your own injury claim. But if someone’s mistake sends you into an accident and you are seriously hurt, it’s important to go over your case with a skilled Arvin Personal Injury Lawyer. Insurance companies don’t want to pay the costs that come with a broken bone or head trauma. They will seek ways to devalue your case or put the full blame on you.
Your lawyer fights back on your behalf and collects strong evidence to show you weren’t at fault. Then your attorney demands the maximum in compensation available for you and your family. You’ll need full support to pay your medical bills and catch up on normal bills like car payments or rent while you’ve missed work hours.

What Our Clients Say

It’s Not Just the Injuries
Being injured or losing a family member in an accident often results in considerably more damage than physical wounds, pain and discomfort. Many injury victims are unable to work for long periods of time, so during recovery, they’re also losing income from their jobs.
This leaves them financially distressed and emotionally despondent. It’s inexcusable for an injury victim to endure such misfortune when the irresponsibility of somebody else created their situation.
Some Examples of Personal Injury Cases
California law allows victims of personal injury to seek compensation for their damages through civil claims and lawsuits. These types of cases are factually complicated and legally complex They require the legal representation of accomplished and respected legal veterans. Here are some examples of the types of personal injury cases that we represent for our clients:
- Auto Accidents: These are the leading cause of personal injury claims and lawsuits in Kern County. An Arvin car accident lawyer protects your rights and makes sure you can rebuild your life.
- Truck Crashes: A fully loaded big rig traveling down 223 is going to weigh up to 80,000 pounds. An impact with a passenger car can flatten it and severely injure or kill everybody in it.
- Motorcycle Crashes: Riders don’t have steel bodies with crumple zones, airbags or restraint systems to protect them in an accident. They’re 26 more times likely to die in a crash as opposed to drivers and occupants of passenger vehicles.
- Bus Crashes: We represent children and adults in school, public, private and shuttle bus accidents.
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions: Those on foot and those riding bicycles will be the most vulnerable victims of all. Maison Law makes sure victims have the money they need to pay for the best medical care available so they can get back on their feet and back on their bikes.
- Workplace Accidents: Workers in construction or agriculture deserve the safest workplace and tools available. Employees in offices should never be exposed to slip-and-fall hazards, shock hazards, and other dangers. Maison Law helps injured victims earn money beyond worker’s comp to be able to support their families until they get better. Support is available to workers no matter what their immigration status is.
- Premises Liability Accidents: Accidents involving slip-and-falls occur at private residences and commercial properties, especially grocery, home improvement and big box stores. This liability can also extend to landlords at apartment complexes who leave hazards unrepaired until a tenant gets hurt.
- Dog Bites: California holds dog owners financially responsible for bites in most cases.
- Product Liability: A product might be dangerously defective and severely injure or kill a user as a result of a design defect, a manufacturing defect or a marketing defect.
- Wrongful Death: If a person dies as a result of the negligence of somebody else, California law allows that person’s estate and family to seek substantial damages.
How Can a Lawyer Help Me While I’m Injured?
While you’re recovering from your injuries and struggling to reach maximum medical improvement, we can be chasing down witnesses or obtaining police, paramedic and emergency room records. If one or more hospital admissions were required, we’re going to obtain every record. Assuming that rehabilitation is necessary, we’ll obtain all of your therapist’s records and notes too. We will stay on top of your bills, and we can keep the collection agencies from bothering you.
All of the while, you’ll be benefiting from the highest quality of personalized representation. You’re probably not going to be able to effectively attend these tasks during your recovery. If you try to, you’re likely to make mistakes that will damage your case. We won’t let you do that.
We will compile a settlement package consisting of all medical records and reports, medical bills, and other evidence in support of your case and forward it to the opposing insurer along with our demand for settlement. If that insurer is unreasonable, we have no problem with bringing your case in front of a judge and jury.
Who Is Liable After a Personal Injury Accident?
Anyone who contributed to your accident, through action or inaction, can be the target of a personal injury claim. The driver on Bear Mountain Boulevard who is looking at a cell phone screen when he rams you from behind is liable for the damage caused.
The Dollar Tree Company will need to offer financial support if you walk down an aisle where someone has spilled some dish soap and you fall and hurt your hip. Other drivers and business owners all owe you a “duty of care” under California’s premises liability laws. If they fail to act to keep you safe, and you get hurt, you are legally empowered to hold them accountable for your medical bills and other hardships.
Unfortunately, the car insurance adjusters and commercial liability insurance representatives won’t be giving you the support you need automatically. They work hard to try to limit the support they must pay or try to claim they don’t owe you anything at all. Your lawyer investigates your accident and prepares a strong case that insurance companies will have a hard time poking holes in.
Compensation Available for Arvin Personal Injury Victims
Your Maison Law attorney works to secure all evidence available after an accident. This will include surveillance video, witness testimony, and legal documents. But your lawyer can’t be there right after your accident to gather the evidence that might be cleaned up shortly after the scene is cleared.
If you feel well enough and the scene is secure, try to get photos of the entire scene. Takes pictures of the cars involved in a traffic collision. Show the obstacle that caused you to fall or the equipment that injured you at a business or at work. Take photos of any visible injuries too. This powerful evidence will help when insurance companies begin to look for ways to rob you of benefits.
Your lawyer will include all of this proof in an accident claim as a full list of the hardships you and your family have been put through. Each damage will be critical in increasing the value of your personal injury settlement check:
- Past and future lost earnings.
- Costs associated with a long-term or permanent physical disability.
- The physical pain and emotional anguish you endure.
- Loss of enjoyment of life.
- Loss of consortium (intimacy with a spouse).
- Reimbursement for the repair or replacement of personal property.
- The income and benefits victims lose while unable to go to work.
- Travel costs while visiting doctors and surgeons. The expense of shuttle services.
Contact an Arvin Personal Injury Lawyer
California allows victims up to two years from the date of their accidents to file injury claims. But don’t wait years to take action. Give your case over to a skilled Arvin personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so your attorney can track down evidence while it’s still fresh.
Contact Maison Law to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an actual Arvin lawyer. We want to hear what happened to you. We’re going to answer your questions and make sure you are fully aware of the insurance tactics you’ll face. These shady practices are meant to limit the money you receive. Avoiding these pitfalls will be key to earning what’s fair for your car accident injury claim.

Frequently Asked Questions
Defendants may accuse injured pedestrians of partial blame if the accident occurred outside of a crosswalk. Technically, pedestrians in Arvin only have the right of way at marked and unmarked crosswalks. However, since CA has comparative negligence laws, pedestrians can still recover partial damages.
There’s no law forcing injured plaintiffs to speak with the defendant’s insurance company. In fact, most legal professionals advise against talking with insurance providers too soon. Any statements you make with an insurance company could be used against you later on. For the best results, plaintiffs should speak with an experienced attorney before submitting a formal statement.
You won’t need to bring any money with you to hire us. Maison Law doesn’t get paid unless we win your case for you and your family. Then our attorney’s fee comes out of the settlement check you are awarded.