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Bicycle Accidents Involving Head Trauma In Merced

Merced bicyclists have the law on their sides when they travel local streets. They have every right to the lanes just like any motorist. Unfortunately, some drivers can be counted on to pay little attention to the road in front of them and put pedestrians and riders in jeopardy.

Merced County emergency responders work these tragic accidents every week. In 2019, the county recorded 63 accidents involving someone on a bicycle. Those accidents inflicted injury on 63 victims and tragically claimed one life.

Woman Badly Injured in Merced Bicycle Vs Car Accident

A woman on a bicycle was hit by a car Sunday in Merced. ABC30-TV reports the accident happened near the intersection of 23rd Street and G Street on April 4, 2021.

Investigating officers say the victim was a 44-year-old woman. She was flown to a Modesto hospital with major head trauma.

The driver stayed on the scene to cooperate with an investigation into what led to the crash. Officers do not believe alcohol or drugs played a role in the collision.

Finding Support for Merced Bicycle Accident Victims

Careless drivers can fail to check a mirror or a blind spot properly and suddenly veer over on riders, or dart into their path. These mistakes can leave a cyclist with no room to maneuver to avoid a collision.

Victims left to heal from an impact with a vehicle and the ground can face expensive medical treatment and weeks of physical therapy. They may also have to miss valuable time at work and lose multiple paychecks while they recover. They should never have to worry over their bills while they heal when they weren’t to blame for their injury.

In these tough cases, victims or their family members can file a claim for damages against the driver to blame and his or her insurance provider. This civil claim can make sure hospital bills get covered and lost wages are restored to the victim. Bicycle accident victims should have all of their needs met to allow them to recuperate and get back on their bikes again.

Contact a Merced Bicycle Accident Lawyer

After a bicycle accident involving a serious injury, contact an experienced Merced bicycle accident lawyer such as Martin Gasparian for a free consultation and case evaluation.

Mr. Gasparian works closely with victims and families to make sure at-fault drivers are held accountable. Victims should be allowed to heal and work towards riding again without the worry of extreme medical bills.


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