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5 Ways to Prepare for Personal Injury Case in Merced

There’s are no guarantees in personal injury cases. If you want to recover compensation for your injuries, it’s important to prepare for a legal battle. Here’s how:

Seek Medical Attention

You must seek medical attention as soon as possible after sustaining an injury. Not only will this benefit your health and wellbeing, it will also strengthen your personal injury case. Why? The at-fault party’s insurance company will not compensate you unless you can provide proof of your injuries. If your injuries were not treated, there’s no way to prove that they actually existed. If you were not treated immediately after the accident, there’s no way to prove that the injuries were sustained in the accident. The insurance adjuster can use the lack of medical records or delay in treatment against you, so prepare for your case by seeking medical attention right away.

Gather Documents

Prepare for the negotiations with your insurance company by gathering documents that are related to your case. Make copies of medical records, receipts, police reports, insurance letters, pay stubs, and any other relevant documents. Some of these documents, such as the police report, are used to prove liability in a personal injury case. Others, such as medical records and pay stubs, are used to justify your request for compensation.

Stay Off of Social Media

It’s in your best interest to stay off of social media until your case has been resolved. Why? The insurance company may use social media to find evidence that you are exaggerating the severity of your injuries. For example, if you post a picture of yourself rock climbing while you are trying to recover compensation for a back injury, the insurance adjuster may question the severity of your injuries. Take a break from social media so you don’t accidentally post something that can be taken out of context and used to deny your claim.

Keep An Injury Journal

You can also prepare for your case by writing in an injury journal on a daily basis. Use this journal to document the pain and suffering you experience as you recover from your injuries. Having a written record of how your injuries affected you emotionally and physically can help you recover compensation for your pain and suffering.

Hire An Attorney

There are several reasons why you should hire an attorney shortly after sustaining an injury. First, the at-fault party’s insurance company may contact you in the days following an accident. During this call, the adjuster may try to pressure you into making a recorded statement or accepting an unfair settlement. It’s best to let an attorney communicate with the insurance adjuster on your behalf to ensure you do not make any mistakes that could affect the outcome of your claim.

Second, it is harder to collect evidence that proves liability if you wait too long to hire an attorney. For example, a witness may not remember what happened if she is interviewed months after the accident occurred. The sooner you hire an attorney, the sooner he can begin collecting evidence to prove your case.

Prepare for your case by seeking legal representation from experienced personal injury attorney Martin Gasparian. Mr. Gasparian will handle every aspect of your personal injury claim so you can focus solely on recovering from your injuries. Schedule a free consultation regarding your case by calling 559-203-3333 or submitting your information at


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