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Long Term Care for a Brain Injury: What To Expect

A brain injury can range in seriousness based on how the injury was sustained and the severity of it. Even mild brain injuries, such as concussions, should be allowed to heal completely. Another brain injury while still healing from any previous one can cause serious complications. This is why it’s important to understand what long-term care for this type of injury looks like. Only then will you be able to dedicate yourself to recovery.

Mild Brain Injury

A concussion is usually considered a mild brain injury. Even though it may be mild, compared to other types of brain injury, it still requires time for recovery. The amount of time needed will depend on the location and severity of the concussion.

The most important treatment for a mild brain injury is rest. For most, they consider not doing anything physically demanding as a form of rest. However, when recovering from a concussion, it is your brain that needs the most rest. While sitting at a computer or playing a game on your tablet may be considered resting, these activities can quickly tire out your brain. If complete rest is ordered, it’s important to follow the doctor’s orders. As you start to heal, your doctor may allow short periods of “exercise” for your brain.

Types of Rehabilitation Therapy

Because the symptoms of every brain injury are unique, just as unique as the person, it can take many types of therapy to help you get back on your feet. You may start with simple physical therapy exercises to help build muscle that may have deteriorated during long periods of rest or even to learn how to control your muscle movements better. Occupational therapy can help you use that newfound strength and control to re-learn how to perform skills you may have lost. These can be everything from brushing your teeth to walking, or more complicated skills like cooking.

Cognitive therapy is one of the most common that’s prescribed for those with a traumatic brain injury. Often times, you can experience changes in your memory and focus or even learning and judgment. This type of therapy can take many years depending on the injury. Speech therapy can help you not only to relearn how to pronounce words but also perhaps to use them to communicate.

A brain injury can be traumatic not just to the brain itself, an organ in your body, but also to your mind. In an instant, life can change. This often leads to feelings of depression or anxiety and psychiatric counseling can help. Once things start coming together in multiple areas, you may benefit from vocational counseling, which can help you learn job skills.

Medications Used to Treat Brain Injuries

Many types of medications can be used to treat a brain injury. While some are treating the brain itself, such as anticonvulsants that prevent seizures, other medications help to relieve the emotional and mental symptoms. Anti-anxiety medications, as well as antidepressants, are common. Stimulant medications can help improve focus and concentration, which can lead to better learning and communicating. Because an injury to the brain can also lead to blood clots within it, anticoagulants are sometimes used. If stiff muscles or muscle spasms are other symptom symptoms you’re experiencing, muscle relaxers can help you feel more comfortable as you heal.

These types of therapies and medications may help improve the symptoms of a brain injury, but it can take years of dedication to recovery to see lasting change. This is why speaking to a personal injury lawyer can help. A lawyer may be able to file a claim that can result in compensation for the injury. This compensation is often used to fund the long-term treatments needed. If you’re located in Visalia, Merced, Bakersfield, or even Fresno, the personal injury lawyer to call is Martin Gasparian, an experienced lawyer with the Maison Law Firm. Contact the office today to schedule your free consultation.


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