No matter where you are at in California, you are at risk for a personal injury. From large, busy cites surrounded by freeways and millions of people, to small rural towns set among the farms, wineries and old fashion country roads.
When the people of Three Rivers are injured due to the negligence of another person, they turn to Maison Law to help them deal with the medical bills, insurance companies and lost time from work. With the help of those at Maison Law, they can focus on the, doctors’ visits, surgeries and rehabilitation while not having to worry about how all of this is going to be getting paid.
If this is you, fortunately you have an attorney that understands what you are going through and can cut through the red tape and get you the compensation you deserve.
Attorney Martin Gasparian, Esq., is the founder of Maison Law, and he has worked at some of the most prestigious firms in the nation, including the largest law firm in Los Angeles.
Today, he works for those that have been injured and need someone to stand for them. He understands what you are up against and won’t rest until you are back on your feet, physically and financially. No doubt you are facing rising medical bills and less money from missed time at work.

What Our Clients Say

Three Rivers Personal Injuries
Three Rivers is an unincorporated community in Tulare County of around 2,200 people that sits at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains just on the edge of the Say Joaquin Valley in Central California and about 80 driving miles straight north of Bakersfield.
Most personal injuries occur while driving, and those who live in small towns like Three Rivers find themselves on the road quite often. Many of the people of Three Rivers work in local farms, wineries and food plants which has them traveling out of the community on State Highway 198.
This rural highway is the community’s lifeline to work, deliveries, shopping and recreation. Most head southeast on 198 to work in one of the towns or cities such as Exeter, Venida or Visalia. A few might work in the Sequoia National Park and head northwest on 198.
This rural country driving can take its toll, and the people in the region get in several hundred automobile accidents a year, some that end in serious injury and fatalities. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the risk of a serous injury of fatality is 2.5 times higher in rural driving than it is in urban driving.
This means that Three Rivers people are actually more likely to get into a serious accident than those in Bakersfield or Los Angeles. A report by the NHTSA showed that only 19 percent of the population of the U.S. live in rural areas, yet they account for 54 percent of traffic fatalities.
Common Types of Accidents
Rural highway driving has its own risks that separate it from other types of travel. Three Rivers drivers face a few challenges as they drive on the same country road day in and out. A few of these are, a lack of guard rails, monotonous driving, sharp turns, deer and animals and speeding to save time.
Because of this, there are certain types of accidents that happen more often on rural highways, they are;
- Head-On Collisions: A head-on is the most dangerous accident of all types, and they occur more often on rural highways than any other roads.
- Rollover/Ejections: Drowsy driving and head-on collisions are the biggest risks for rural driving rollovers. And once a person is ejected from their vehicle, their likelihood of death goes to 90 percent.
- Single-Vehicle Accident: Distracted, sleepy or speeding all contribute to single-vehicle accidents.
At Maison Law, they understand the importance of being experienced in all types of accidents as the needs of the client and the circumstances of the case are different depending on the type of accident. Maison Law is experienced in all types of accidents and knows the laws regarding rural driving.
Other Types of Personal Injuries
Not all injuries come from auto accidents, and at Maison Law, they are experienced in all types of personal injuries no matter how they happened. When any type of injury happens, the people of Three Rivers can count on Maison Law to go to bat for them. Some of these other types of accidents are:
- Industrial accidents: Agriculture is the number one industry for employment by population in the region. Wineries, farms, processing plants all bring accidents and injuries to the people of Three Rivers.
- Construction Zone Accidents: Driving on rural roads can be made riskier when there is construction.
- Sport/Recreation Injuries: Hiking in the Sequoia or fishing/jet skiing at Lake Kaweah and other types of recreation come with injuries, and Maison Law firm is ready to help anyone injured to get the compensation they need.
- Product Liability: Shopping and consuming brings all types of product-related injuries.
- Wrongful deaths: Unfortunately, some people of Three Rivers will succumb to injuries caused by others. Maison Law will work with the family to get just compensation.
Each injury is different and how the injury happened and where it happened can make a difference in the way a claim is made. At Maison Law, they understand this and work hard for every client to get them the compensation they deserve.
Three River is a community that prides itself on hard work and family life. Those qualities must sometimes be protected when property owners, careless drivers, or negligent employers put others at risk and end up getting them hurt.
If you or a loved one are seriously injured due to the carelessness of someone else, contact a Three River Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to demand what’s fair from national corporations, local employers, and anyone else who may be liable for your suffering.
Discuss your case with attorney Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law in Three River, for a free consultation that comes with no obligation. Mr. Gasparian worked for major corporations and dealt with some of the biggest insurers in the world. He now uses his knowledge to make sure everyday people aren’t taken advantage of by corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice, and the personalized attention to detail their case deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions
Two years. California’s statute of limitations for Three Trees slip and fall cases is two years. This means you can’t receive compensation for your injury after this timeframe.
Yes. If you can prove the owner of your Three Rivers apartment complex was negligent, you could file a slip and fall case. However, you may want to speak with an injury attorney beforehand to figure out whether you have a solid slip and fall claim.