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Los Banos CA Personal Injury Lawyer

Getting injured because of someone else’s negligence can cause someone’s life to be in upheaval. Hospitals, doctors, treatments and rehab take up time and energy. The physical pain and the mental anguish take their toll, and then you get hit with more bills and lower income from missed time from work.

If this has happened to you, and you live in Los Banos California, you have a resource that many others don’t. You have attorney Martin Gasparian, Esq., to help you put your life back together. He is the founder of Maison Law, and he has worked at some of the most prestigious firms in the nation, including the largest law firm in Los Angeles.

Today, he works for those that have been injured and need someone to stand for them. He understands what you are up against and won’t rest until you are back on your feet, physically and financially. No doubt you are facing rising medical bills and less money from missed time at work.

At Maison Law, we understand all of the struggles, frustration and anxiety that come with a personal injury, and we can help you get your life back. Call us today and get started.

What Our Clients Say

Los Banos Personal Injuries

Los Banos is a fast-growing community with a population of about 40,000 people. It sits in wine country in central California midway between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Pacific Coast. Its people work locally in their bustling city and commute to some of the wineries, farms and food processing plants that dot the region.

All this driving puts people at risk for auto accidents and the personal injuries that go with them. When this happens, they know they can count on Maison Law to get them back on their feet.

Types of Auto Accidents in Los Banos

In 2000, Los Banos had 25,000 people, and by 2018 there were almost 40,000. This growth rate is far above both the national and state average. Many people are drawn to Los Banos because of employment opportunities, lower than average crime rate and a chance to have the feel of a city life without the negatives of a big city.

A city its size has a fair amount of stop and go traffic that goes with more populated regions, but it’s situated in an otherwise rural, largely agricultural region which puts drivers out on rural roads which bring their own challenges. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 50 percent of all accidents happen on rural roads like Highway 165 and 140 that surround Los Banos.

With these driving challenges come certain common accidents. At Maison Law, they understand the challenges of driving on all types of roads, and they work hard to meet the needs of the injured.

Some of the different accident types for the people in Los Banos are:

  • Head-On/Wrong Way Driving: Rural roads and highways are ripe for head-on collisions with are devastating to their victims. Das Palos residents are at special risk of these as they commute every day.
  • Rollover/Ejection Accidents: These can happen on any busy road or highway, and they bring some of the most severe injuries.
  • DUI: Unfortunately, even a small town like Los Banos suffers from significant number of DUI accidents which puts everyone on the roads at risk for serious injury and death.
  • Large Trucks/Utility Vehicles: Manufacturing and agriculture vehicles are always in and around Los Banos and when someone is injured by a commercial truck, they are up against companies with a lot of resources and the best attorneys. You need an experienced attorney to represent you.
  • Speeding/Racing/Aggressive Driving: Most of the drivers that engage in this type if driving are younger male drivers who put others at risk by their actions.

Other Types of Personal Injuries

The people of Los Banos work hard, but the play hard too. Not all personal injuries come from auto accidents, and the people of Los Banos are at risk for all sorts of personal injured. They enjoy getting out of the house and going shopping, dining, see a movie or throw a frisbee in the park.

This active lifestyle has an unfortunate side, and that is the increased risk of injury. When any type of injury happens, the people of Los Banos can count on Maison Law to go to bat for them. Some of these other types of accidents are:

  • Industrial accidents: Agriculture is the number one industry for employment by population in the region. Wineries, farms, processing plants all bring accidents and injuries to the people of Los Banos.
  • Construction Zone Accidents: In the last two decades, the population of Los Banos has skyrocketed. This is good news for the construction business which is booming. Unfortunately, this brings a lot of construction sites and the possibility for injuries as people mix with the work zones around the city.
  • Slip-and-falls/Premises Injuries: Los Banos enjoys a robust retail economy which leads to injuries that happen on business premises.
  • Sport/Recreation Injuries: Baseball, hiking, jet skiing and other types of recreation come with injuries, and Maison Law firm is ready to help anyone injured to get the compensation they need.
  • Product Liability: Shopping and consuming brings all types of product-related injuries.
  • Wrongful deaths: Unfortunately, some people Los Banos will succumb to injuries caused by others. Maison Law will work with the family to get just compensation.

Damages for Personal Injuries

If you allow Maison Law to represent you in your claim for compensation for your personal injury, we will leave no rock unturned in seeking ways to compensate you for your injury. The law allows for anyone who has been injured by another’s negligence to seek certain types of financial losses, and a good lawyer knows that the types of damages will depend on the unique circumstances of the case.

Some of the common claims for compensation in a personal injury case are:

  • Medical Bills
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Property Damages
  • Mental Anguish/PTSD
  • Lost Time from Work
  • Permanent Disability
  • Loss of Quality of Life/Consortium
  • Vocational Retraining

These are just some of the claims for damages that can be made. The experienced staff at Maison Law understands that each case presents different types of damages, and they work hard looking for any way to compensate those who have suffered a personal injury. 

Los Banos’s Personal Injury Lawyer

Los Banos is a community that prides itself on hard work and family life. Those qualities must sometimes be protected when property owners, careless drivers, or negligent employers put others at risk and end up getting them hurt.

If you or a loved one are seriously injured due to the carelessness of someone else, contact a Los Banos Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to demand what’s fair from national corporations, local employers, and anyone else who may be liable for your suffering.

Discuss your case with attorney Martin Gasparian, the founder of Maison Law in Los Banos, for a free consultation that comes with no obligation. Mr. Gasparian worked for major corporations and dealt with some of the biggest insurers in the world. He now uses his knowledge to make sure everyday people aren’t taken advantage of by corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice, and the personalized attention to detail their case deserves.


Frequently Asked Questions

Not every insurance company handles wrongful death claims, and many that do won’t cover the full extent of your damages. So, whether you file against the driver or insurance company depends on what provider the defendant has and the specifics of your case. To figure out the best course of action in this scenario, it’s best to speak with an experienced Los Banos injury lawyer.

Yes. If you could prove the other party involved in this crash acted negligently, you could file a wrongful death case for a deceased family member in Los Banos. Just keep in mind that CA wrongful death cases have a statute of limitations of two years.