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Hanford Bicycle Lawyer

Hanford Bicycle Accidents

Like other small to medium California cities, Hanford is becoming more bike-friendly and its leaders are actively promoting cycling as a way to commute and travel around the city. Bike club memberships are increasing, and the city is adding to its existing bike trails for cyclists and pedestrians to share.

However, an increase in cycling hasn’t been met with a decrease in motor vehicles who now have to share the road with the increasing number of cyclists. This means the inevitable bike v car accidents, and unfortunately, when that happens, it’s usually the cyclist who comes out on the short end.

Hanford cyclists face many dangers when on the roads around the city. Some of the most common of these are:

  • Motorist Tunnel Vision: Cyclists have a low profile compared to motor vehicles, and most drivers are not conditioned to look for bicycles when they are driving. This causes significant problems for cyclists and is a factor in just about every motor vehicle-bicycle crash.
  • Right Hook: A right hook happens when a cyclist is riding along the far-right side of the right lane, and a motor vehicle takes a right turn into the path of the cyclist. This also happens when a cyclist is riding in a bike lane, and the car enters the bike lane and turns right without yielding to the right-of-way to the cyclist.
  • Left Turns: A left turn crash can be deadly to a cyclist and happens when a car turns left into the path of a cyclist that has the right-of-way. Most of the time, the driver simply doesn’t see the cyclist.
  • Dooring: A dooring accident happens when an occupant of a parked or stopped motor vehicle opens their door right in the path of a cyclist. Typically, they happen when bikes travel alongside a row or parked cars, or when a vehicle is stopped at a curb and is loading or unloading.
  • Blind Spots: Blind spots on motor vehicles are especially dangerous to cyclists due to the low profile of a bicycle and the tunnel vision of most drivers.
  • Bike Lanes: In California, if a cyclist can’t keep up with the flow of traffic, they are required to ride in a bike lane if it exists. Bike lanes are created to protect the cyclist, however, they have their problems. Cars illegally parked in bike lanes, and sometimes they travel along rows of parked cars. Also, vehicles often travel illegally in bike lanes making it dangerous for the cyclist.

Common Bike Accident Injuries

A car outweighs a bike by about 20 times, and when a car hits a bike, the cyclist is usually thrown from the bike thus causing further injury to the cyclist. At Maison Law, we are familiar with all sorts of bicycle accident injuries, and some of the most common of these are:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Severe Concussions
  • Wrist Fractures
  • Broken/Displaced Ribs
  • Broke Collarbones
  • Broken Arms/Legs
  • Chest Compressions
  • Internal Injuries/Bleeding
  • Severe Road Rash

What Damages Can an Injured Hanford Cyclist Seek?

At Maison Law, we know that the law allows a in injured cyclist to seek all damages related to the accident so long as it can be proven that they came from the negligence of the at-fault driver. Most damages fall under economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are those that can be easily tabulated such as medical bills and lost time from work.

Non-economic damages are those that aren’t directly connected to a verifiable financial loss but are still compensable injuries to the victim. These are losses such as pain and suffering, future disability and permanent disfigurement.

At Maison Law, we know which losses can be sought according to the circumstances of the case and the injuries to the victim.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer.

After any accident involving a serious injury in the Central Valley, contact attorney Martin Gasparian for a free consultation and case evaluation. Mr. Gasparian takes a hands-on approach to every case. He believes that every client should work directly with their lawyer, get honest advice and personalized attention to detail their case deserves.

Contact Maison Law today at 559-203-3333 or by using our contact form.