Fresno motorcyclists can be traveling alongside city traffic or next to a line of cars on the highway and suddenly be confronted by a driver switching lanes without checking a mirror or blind spot.
These small mistakes by drivers happen every day on local avenues. As a result, motorcyclists are far too often the victims of sideswipe collisions. These collisions can be devastating to an unprotected rider and the injuries may be severe.
After a dangerous impact, riders and their families must speak with a skilled Fresno motorcycle accident lawyer about their options. Scheduling a free consultation with a skilled legal representative at Maison Law leaves you with a better understanding of the benefits available to you as you recover.
Fresno Sideswipe Accident Dangers for Motorcyclists
On their rides, motorcyclists on busy Fresno streets see so many reckless moves by drivers, it’s almost become expected. Riders on Blackstone Avenue or in a lane on Highway 180 have gotten plenty of experience veering away from distracted and careless drivers.
Yet, a motorist switching lanes or merging onto a highway without a mirror check can easily make a move without spotting the rider beside them. They can put a rider at risk of a dangerous sideswipe and life-threatening injuries.
Sideswipe collisions often send riders to the pavement to absorb a powerful second impact. A sideswipe can also send a motorcyclist out of control and into the path of other vehicles. A rider may also be sent off the road and heading for hazardous obstacles like light poles and trees.
Do I Need a Lawyer After a Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident?
These are frightening incidents that a careless driver must be held fully accountable for. The at-fault driver’s car insurance provider may try to blame you for your own motorcycle accident. It’s frustrating, but you can leave these concerns in the hands of your Fresno Motorcycle Accident Lawyer.
If you’ve suffered something more than some minor bumps and bruises, you’ll want a local attorney working on your case and ensuring you aren’t stuck with a “lowball” insurance settlement. A lowball settlement leaves you with less than you need to pay all of your hospital bills after an accident. This type of settlement leaves you paying half or more of your medical costs out of pocket.
Your Fresno attorney prevents this insurance tactic from working by fully investigating your case. Your attorney uses Fresno police collision reports (or California Highway Patrol collision reports) to prove that a bad driver should be covering every bill. Your attorney gathers evidence and secures testimony from witnesses to force an insurance company to accept full responsibility for what happened to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of compensation can I receive after a Fresno sideswipe motorcycle accident?
A car insurance company can be forced to pay all of your current and future medical bills. You should be reimbursed for every lost paycheck. Your physical and emotional pain endured should also earn compensation.
How long do I have to file an injury claim after a Fresno motorcycle accident?
Two years. Those injured in motorcycle accidents can file a claim up to two years from the date of the incident. Acting quickly is best for your case. Evidence is easier to secure and witnesses easier to track down early on.
Can my family secure benefits if a loved one has been lost in a sideswipe motorcycle accident?
Yes. Close family members would file a wrongful death claim against the at-fault driver’s insurer. The claim seeks support to help pay for a funeral and leftover medical bills. The income the deceased can no longer provide must also be reimbursed.
Contact a Fresno Sideswipe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one were injured in a motorcycle accident in Fresno County, please discuss your case with Maison Law before talking to an insurance adjuster. Insurance companies hope to convince you to take the lowest settlement possible. They are more interested in their bottom line than your full recovery.
If you allow Maison Law to represent your case, you can rest assured that our legal team will be fighting for your best interest. Let us tackle frustrating negotiations with car insurance companies, allowing you to focus on healing.
We will build a strong case for you to obtain the maximum settlement or award for your injuries. Contact us right away for a free, no-obligation case consultation. If you decide to hire us, you don’t pay us until we’ve won your case for you.