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Fresno T-Bone Accident Lawyer

T-bone accidents occur when the front of a vehicle strikes another vehicle’s side at a 90-degree angle. Because there is little to protect a driver or passenger from the force of a t-bone collision, serious injuries can occur at the point of impact. Being involved in a t-bone accident means struggling to cope with all the physical, financial, and emotional pain. Furthermore, it could mean the loss of the ability to work or overall enjoyment of your life.

Having a skilled Fresno t-bone accident lawyer can make things a little easier amid these difficult circumstances. Maison Law and their team of experienced t-bone accident lawyers have spent years helping clients in the Fresno area hold at-fault parties accountable and negotiating with insurance companies to get positive outcomes in these unfortunate situations.

Free Consultations with Maison Law

While a settlement won’t change the physical impact of a t-bone accident, recovering some financial relief could help you and your loved ones move forward. Attorney Martin Gasparian founded Maison Law in 2014 after nearly a decade working closely with California’s oldest insurance company. As such, he and his team have intricate knowledge of how insurance companies approach car accidents and how to use that information to your advantage. If you have been injured in a t-bone accident in Fresno, contact Maison Law today for a free consultation.

Establishing Liability In T-Bone Accidents

The key to any successful personal injury claim in a t-bone accident begins with establishing liability. In the vast majority of these accidents, the driver who struck your vehicle may be held liable for the t-bone collision. Like any accident, there are several common causes of t-bone accidents, usually including the following:

  • Running a red light or failing to stop at a stop sign.
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Switching lanes erratically
  • Distracted by their phone, texting while driving, or otherwise not paying full attention.
  • Speeding or driving aggressively

Because t-bone accidents can happen virtually anywhere on the road, it’s difficult to pinpoint an exact cause or situation where they’re likely to occur. Still, there are steps that any driver can take to safeguard against these accidents, or at least minimize their damage.

Driving Safely on Fresno Roads

While there is no strategy to totally prevent a Fresno t-bone accident, there are many things you can do to keep yourself safe. These safety tips have the added benefit of applying to virtually any driving situation on California roads. As it relates to t-bone accidents, here are some of the best practices you can take to stay safe:

  • Abide by traffic lights and stop signs at all times, including slowing down for yellow lights, flashing red lights, and stopping at red lights.
  • When approaching a stop sign, make sure to come to a complete stop.
  • After a light has turned red, don’t try to enter the intersection. Instead, wait for a light to change or a gap in traffic before turning.
  • Don’t assume that other drivers are going to obey traffic laws and lights. Counting on the other driver to stop at a red light or stop sign could potentially lead to a t-bone accident.
  • Take extra caution at intersections where there are only stop signs. Drivers sometimes don’t understand the rules for yielding the right-of-way or may not always come to a complete stop at stop signs as they approach them.
  • Approach all intersections at an appropriate speed for the road conditions and be prepared to stop if necessary. Don’t assume that you’ll be able to go through an intersection, even if you have the right-of-way.
  • Be careful in low visibility situations, including slowly approaching blind corners to avoid hitting a vehicle you can’t see. If there is an obstruction in the road, wait until it’s cleared before going ahead.

Again, there is no guarantee that you won’t be in a t-bone accident, even if you follow all of the above safety tips. However, following these guidelines will at least lessen the potential damage should a t-bone accident occur.

Common Injuries from Fresno T-Bone Accidents

Any t-bone accident, by their nature, is going to involve injuries. Every accident is different, and can range in severity from minor to major. In general though, common injuries from t-bone accidents typically include:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Internal injuries
  • Spine injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Knee injuries
  • Lacerations and bruises
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

In the immediate aftermath of a t-bone accident, you should immediately seek medical attention, even if you don’t feel hurt. Adrenaline will be present after the accident, so injuries may not present themselves right away. Also, immediately going to an ER or a doctor will provide a medical record of your injury, which will help with your claim. Whether you want to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit, medical records will be crucial to recovering damages.

What Damages Can You Recover in a T-Bone Accident?

Because every t-bone accident is unique, the type of compensation you receive will depend on the facts surrounding your case. Maison Law’s team of experienced t-bone accident lawyers can help you determine the best course of action for your case. Filing a lawsuit for damages can potentially recover the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Physical therapy
  • In-home care or ongoing rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Additionally, a jury may award you punitive damages if the at-fault driver was deemed to be negligent or reckless when they caused the accident. These damages are designed to punish the defendant further and are also used as an example to discourage similar behavior in the future.

Contact an Experienced California T-bone Accident Lawyer Today

Suffering a t-bone accident can leave you feeling helpless and disoriented. Worse yet, it is very likely that you will be injured and need medical care that could potentially extend throughout the rest of your life. In these situations, you need to be compensated for these losses. The best chance for doing that requires strong, experienced representation. The team of Fresno car accident lawyers at Maison Law are proud to stand up for these victims, fighting for your compensation so you can focus on recovery. If you have been injured in a t-bone accident in Fresno, contact Maison Law today for a free consultation.


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